Our focus

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Our focus Tō Mātou Aronganui

In this section, you will read about our organisational strategy which aims to ensure the tertiary education system can respond to change and continue to improve outcomes for learners and industry.
I tēnei wāhanga ka ako koe mō ngā whāinga tōmua o te Rautaki Mātauranga Matua 2014–2019 me te āhua o ōna pānga ki tā mātou whakapaunga pūtea tautoko ā-tau, tata ki te $3 piriona. Kei konei hoki tā mātou rautaki umanga hei pānuitanga māu. Ko tāna, he whai ana kia aro atu te pūnaha mātauranga matua ki ngā rerenga kētanga o te wā, kia whai tonu kia pai ake ngā huanga mō ngā ākonga me ngā wahi ahumahi.