Police advise vehicle owners to exercise vigilance against car theft

Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

Over recent months Police have noted a sharp increase in the number of motor vehicles being stolen in Invercargill and throughout Southland.

Vehicles targeted are earlier model Mazda’s, Nissan’s, and Toyota’s.

It is believed a group of Invercargill youths are responsible for many of these vehicle thefts and recent burglaries targeting Vape stores in Invercargill and Winton.

Three of the group of youths are before the youth justice system and Police are continuing to investigate and hold others responsible to account.

Police would like to hear from anyone who has information to call 105 or crime stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 and reference file number 231101/8120.

Police ask that owners of vehicles, particularly those mentioned, be vigilant ensuring their motor vehicle are locked and if possible, securely parked overnight.

Consideration should be given to installing an immobiliser or an additional locking device.

If anyone witnesses any suspicious behaviour around vehicles, please call 111 immediately.


Issued by the Polcie Media Centre