Board sets direction for next three years

Source: Auckland Council

Celebrating the rich diversity, building community and environment resilience, and honouring Māori heritage are all features of the Whau Local Board Plan 2023, which has now been finalised.

Following the extensive engagement during the public consultation with the community in July and August, the plan is the key document guiding the board’s decision making for the next three years. 

Board chair Kay Thomas says the community remains at the heart of all the board’s work.

“During community engagement locals generously shared what’s important for our area and the 2023 Whau Local Board plan is a true reflection for our priorities for the next three years.

“Whau is one of Tāmaki Makaurau’s most diverse areas, with Asian, Pasifika, and Māori communities and this diversity is one of our great strengths. As a board we want to support our community hubs, houses and other partners to increase community resilience, and welcome and connect our new immigrants to Whau to create a sense of belonging.

“The environment is one of our top priorities too. Our local area is mostly low-lying land developed extensively for industrial and urban use. The extreme weather events earlier this year reminded us of the importance of adapting to a changing climate and working with our communities to include sustainable practices in our daily lives.

“According to the feedback from our engagement with the community, most of the residents support our local board plan for the next three years. I’m proud to see it published and looking forward to delivering the plan for our community,” says Kay.

The city’s 21 local boards are required by law to produce a plan every three years, and the plan adopted is the first for the board elected last year.

The Whau Local Board Plan 2023 covers two overarching priorities including Māori outcomes and Climate action, and five key priority areas:

  • Our people

  • Our environment

  • Our community

  • Our places

  • Our economy.

You can find the plan here.

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