Southbound Te Kauwhata off-ramp to re-open at Rangiriri – SH1

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Contractors doing remedial works on State Highway 1 at Rangiriri continue to find more work is needed but will have an off-ramp open by tomorrow to assist the local community.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises the current work in the southbound lanes will continue next week and is likely to go into the following week.

But contractors have prioritised works and changed traffic management plans to open the southbound Te Kauwhata off-ramp as soon as tonight or tomorrow morning. This will assist Te Kauwhata, Rangiriri and Glen Murray traffic who have been detoured to Ōhinewai or are using local roads to access their communities since early last week.

The current southbound closure is the final large phase in remedial works which started in September. There are three separate smaller repair sites remaining outside the current work areas which will be completed with less traffic management and disruption.

With the changing layout, people are asked to take extra care when travelling through the interchanges by following any temporary speed limits, traffic management and signs. 

When the current works are complete a 70km/h speed restriction will remain for a settling period over summer ahead of final surfacing.

People should allow extra time if travelling on this section of the expressway, and merge early into a single lane to help lessen congestion.

Waka Kotahi apologises for the disruption this work is causing and thanks people for their patience.

Photos showing the remediation work on the southbound lanes, with all traffic using the northbound lanes: