Asia Pacific News – UN population and development review in Asia and the Pacific urges focus on individual rights and choices

Source: United Nations – ESCAP

Delegates from across Asia and the Pacific underscored the significance of population and development in a region home to more than 60 per cent of the world’s inhabitants, noting that decisions made by countries in this region shape the future of its 4.7 billion individuals as well as future generations across the globe.

This important message was reiterated during the Seventh Asian and Pacific Population Conference, which reviewed the implementation of the Asian and Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Population and Development (2013) and the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (1994). The three-day conference was jointly organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and brought together more than 400 government officials and representatives of civil society and youth groups.

“Beyond sheer numbers, this gathering reflects our shared commitment to addressing the population dynamics in our region. The collective resolve, constructive dialogues, and solution-oriented approach evident throughout the conference underscore our potential to make substantial contributions to ICPD30 and position ourselves for the post-2030 population and development agenda,” said Lin Yang, ESCAP Deputy Executive Secretary, during the closing of the conference today.

The regional conference provided an opportunity to celebrate successes. Since the previous conference, convened ten years ago, Asia and the Pacific has seen increased life expectancy, along with a decline in maternal mortality, enhanced access to contraceptives and more girls going to school. These changes have occurred due to increased socioeconomic development, advancements in gender equality and people gaining greater agency to make decisions, including about their sexual and reproductive health.

Delegates acknowledged that the following megatr