Parliament Oral Questions – Oral questions – 24 November 2022000646

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Oral Questions and Answers

INGRID LEARY to the Minister of Finance: How is the Government responding to changing economic conditions in New Zealand and globally?

NICOLA WILLIS to the Minister of Finance: Does he agree with the Reserve Bank Governor, Adrian Orr, who said yesterday that “we’ve got too much home-grown inflation”; if so, what additional steps, if any, is the Government considering to reduce pressure on home-grown inflation?

RICARDO MENÉNDEZ MARCH to the Minister of Immigration: Does he consider that current immigration policies are fair and equitable towards migrant families?

ANGELA ROBERTS to the Minister of Education: What reports has he seen about trends in the number of New Zealanders in apprenticeships?

ERICA STANFORD to the Minister of Immigration: Does he stand by all his statements and actions?

ARENA WILLIAMS to the Minister of Conservation: What announcements have been made about supporting community-led conservation projects?

CHRIS BAILLIE to the Minister of Police: What changes will the Government make to its response to retail crime, after the fatal stabbing of a dairy worker in Sandringham last night, if any, and will the Government now remove the criterion that a retailer must first be a victim of crime in order for them to access funding from the Retail Crime Prevention Programme?

DEBBIE NGAREWA-PACKER to the Minister for the Environment: Will he undertake any specific actions to ensure the resource management reforms have the active consent of tangata whenua, in response to concerns expressed from tangata whenua leaders regarding the Natural and Built Environment Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill; if so, what are those actions?

Dr TRACEY McLELLAN to the Minister for the Digital Economy and Communications: What recent announcements has he made about improving rural connectivity in some of New Zealand’s most remote locations?

Hon MARK MITCHELL to the Minister of Police: Does he agree with the Dairy and Business Owners Group, who said, “The country is becoming lawless … Running a business in this country has become very difficult”; if not, why?

Dr ANAE NERU LEAVASA to the Minister of Research, Science and Innovation: How is the Government supporting a future-focused research system?

SIMON WATTS to the Minister of Local Government: Does she stand by her statement made in the House yesterday that the establishment of the principles of Te Mana o te Wai “included a number of stakeholder groups: rural community; yes, Federated Farmers; it included industry users; it included horticulturalists, as well as iwi”; if so, why can only mana whenua submit Te Mana o te Wai statements under the Government’s three waters reforms?

Answers to these questions are delivered from 2pm (New Zealand time) on the day of tabling. The answers can be accessed in text form, once Hansard is finalised, by clicking here.