Gaza-Israel: Appeal for New Zealand to follow France and call for a ceasefire in Gaza

Source: Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa has written to the outgoing PM Chris Hipkins and incoming PM Christopher Luxon this morning calling for New Zealand to join France and other countries demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Today French President Emmanual Macron has called on Israel to stop bombing Gaza and killing civilians in Gaza.

Israel must stop bombing Gaza and killing civilians, French President Emmanuel Macron has told British media.
There was “no legitimacy” for the bombing, Macron told the BBC in an interview published late on Friday, adding that a ceasefire would benefit Israel.
“These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed,” the French leader said. “So there is no reason for that,” he added. “So we do urge Israel to stop,” he added.
“Our political leaders have been complicit by their silence for weeks now while genocide is played out before our eyes in Gaza”

“Many countries have called for a ceasefire. France is the latest and we must join this growing chorus”

“Israel has so far killed the equivalent of all the children in 10 large New Zealand primary schools”

“How much longer will this slaughter of innocents continue before our political leaders we speak out? It is unconscionable that we could remain silent”

As well as calling for an immediate ceasefire we have urged our political leaders to:

  • Condemn Israel’s genocidal attacks on Gaza
  • Call for the Palestinian people in Gaza to be placed under immediate United Nations protection
  • Demand a swift investigation by the International Criminal Court into war crimes committed in Israel/Gaza since October 7th – including the crimes of genocide and apartheid
  • Send the Israeli ambassador home.

We have urged these two political leaders to speak out today.

John Minto
National Chair
Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa