SH2 between Gisborne and Whirinaki to reopen this moning; SH38 to Lake Waikaremoana now open

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

State Highway 2 between Gisborne and Whirinaki, just north of Napier is expected to reopen to traffic later this morning.

Roading crews are currently clearing slips, debris and fallen trees caused by flooding overnight. 

SH38 between Wairoa and Lake Waikaremoana also closed earlier this morning following heavy rainfall and flooding but that has now opened. 

Waka Kotahi System Manager for Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti, Martin Colditz is reminding road users to take care when the road does reopen. 

“There may be areas which are down to one lane and there may still be debris on the road, so please take care, drive to the conditions and adhere to the lower speed limits and traffic management in place. 

“Closing the road is always a last resort and I want to thank the communities living on and around the road, and those who use it, for their patience while our crews have been working to reopen the road. 

“More heavy rain is expected further north today and I want to remind everyone using the network throughout the region, including SH35 to take care and delay your journey if possible.”