Politics News – Hipkins’ Change of Heart on Tax Welcomed – Better taxes for a Better Future

Source: Better taxes for a Better Future

Labour leader Chris Hipkins’ call that “Everything’s back on the table” around tax policy has been welcomed by the Better taxes for a Better Future campaign, who say the door is now open for real discussion about progressive tax reform.

“We welcome the Labour leader’s change of heart. Our polls during the election campaign indicated a strong appetite among the public for progressive tax changes,” says Better taxes for Better Future spokesperson Glenn Barclay.

“This was also evident from the parties’ campaigning on wealth taxes growing their share of seats in Parliament following the final election results.”

Polling commissioned by Better taxes for a Better Future shows 61% of New Zealanders think the wealthy (those earning over $180,000 per year or with assets over $5 million) should pay more tax than they currently do.

The same poll shows 88% of New Zealanders think the wealthiest should – at the very least – be paying tax at the same overall rate as average New Zealanders.

There was also strong support for capital gains and excess profits taxes.

“We look forward to talking to all political parties about the need for positive and transformative tax changes,” says Glenn Barclay.

“Our poll demonstrated support for change among all political parties’ voters and we need to build on that.”