Education News – Otago Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga exhibition aims to boost wellbeing

Source: Te Pukenga

The artistic talents of Otago Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga ākonga (learners) and kaimahi (staff) are set to be celebrated at an exhibition on Friday 10 November that aims to boost wellbeing.
To be held at Otago Polytechnic’s Dunedin Campus Hub, Tōku Tūnga Ki Tēnei Wahi: My Place in This Place will offer artworks, performances and free food, prepared by our fabulous Culinary Arts ākonga.
“Being able to express ourselves in ways that align with our own preferences and creative voices can boost hauora (wellbeing),” says Chris Williamson, Executive Director, Otago Polytechnic.
“Sharing with others is an excellent way to build a stronger sense of community, collaboration, and belonging – all of which are very important factors in strong mental health.”
Several community agencies specialising in all elements of Hauora will be present. They include Life Matters, Ōtepoti Community Wellness Hub and Sport Otago.
“We invite members of the public to come along and celebrate the diversity, talent, and passion within our community.”
Tōku Tūnga Ki Tēnei Wahi: My Place in This Place, The Hub, Otago Polytechnic, Friday 11.30am-1.30pm.