Greens celebrate historic election result

Source: Green Party

The Green Party is today celebrating its biggest election result ever.

“With a larger share of the vote and more MPs than we’ve had before, Green Party will lead the ongoing fight to eliminate poverty, honour Te Tiriti, protect nature, and build a climate-resilient future for our mokopuna,” says Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson.

“Central to this will be the biggest Māori and Pasifika caucus we have ever had. Half our Caucus is now Maori and Pasifika, which is a huge step forward for us. We are also proud to be joined by the first Member of Parliament in Aotearoa who is Vietnamese.

“It is a huge honour to be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with such a strong group of Māori and Pasifika voices who bring to Parliament a vast range of experiences, knowledge and skills.

“The Green Party will fight every step of the way to make sure the government upholds the Crown’s promise to guarantee tino rangatiratanga of tangata whenua over their whenua, kainga and taonga katoa, and supports Pacific people, communities, and cultures to thrive,” says Marama Davidson.

Co-leader James Shaw added:

“The Green Party has once again defied history. We are the only support party in the history of MMP to have grown our vote during a term in Government – and we have done it twice now. Winning three electorates is another major shift, in the same way that moving from being a party of opposition to a party of government was.

“Our campaign inspired hope, rather than fear, and focused on thoroughly thought through, long-term policy, not just soundbites.

“We set out clear solutions to the challenges people face and for a climate-friendly future that will make our kids and grandkids proud.

“We also ran one of the biggest grassroots campaigns we have ever had. 280,000 door knocks & phone calls, 90,000 meaningful convos with voters across New Zealand, and 7,700 volunteers.

“Our promise to Aotearoa is this: over the next three years, the Green Party will be a strong and unwavering voice for climate action, for the protection of our native wildlife, and for ensuring that every New Zealander has enough to live with dignity,” says James Shaw.