Kaipātiki plan now in place

Source: Auckland Council

The 2023 Kaipātiki Local Board Plan has now been formally adopted, providing an essential road map for the board’s decision-making over the next three years.  

The board used community feedback gathered during a consultation period in mid-2023 to shape and finalise the plan. 

It sets out the board’s priorities for the rest of its term: 

Auckland’s 21 local boards are required by law to produce a plan every three years and board chair John Gillon is pleased that the majority of feedback received during consultation was positive. 

Around 72 per cent of individuals and 100 per cent of organisations were supportive of the plan, its direction and themes covered.  

“Thanks to everyone who engaged with our consultation in developing this plan. We really appreciate your views, and it was great to hear that you thought we were on the right track. We’ve refined this final plan to address the key themes that came through with the feedback,” he says. 

“Although this plan is inspirational, we’ve included a number of key things that we’d like to do over the next three years. It’s not meant to be a long list of projects, but instead set out the objectives and key initiatives that we’ll focus on to help achieve our desired outcomes. 

“We all share in the future of Kaipātiki and this plan provides a map for how our community wants Kaipātiki to develop over the next three years.” 

You can find the final plan here.