Risk assessments for flood affected homes

Source: Auckland Council

Risk assessments for flood and landslide affected homes are continuing across Tāmaki Makaurau. This process includes a desktop assessment, using existing information and additional details provided by the property owner, followed by a site assessment if further information is required. Technical assessors do the site visits, which will continue until at least the end of the year.

As of 17 October 2023, we have received more than 2100 Flood and Landslide Registration forms and completed more than 600 desktop assessments and 530 site visits. So far we have identified and notified nearly 200 low risk properties as Category 1.

Flood-affected properties that will likely fall under Category 2P, 2C or 3 in the government’s risk framework have not yet been given a category. One reason for this is that an option assessment is required after the site assessment to determine whether a practical engineering solution is considered feasible and affordable for a property.

As mentioned earlier in the newsletter, Auckland Council’s Governing Body will meet on Thursday 26 October to consider when and at what cost an engineering solution (which reduces the risk to life associated with the property to a tolerable level) should be considered feasible and affordable (such that a property will be Category 2P).

The process to determine a property’s final category (be it 1, 2 or 3) will continue over several months as we work through the specifics of each property assessment and the unique considerations.

We asked two of our engineers to talk us through what they’re looking for when visiting a flood-affected property:

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