Rangiriri remedial works enter final phase

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Remedial works on State Highway 1 at Rangiriri are expected to move into the final phase at the end of next week.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises the current work in the northbound lanes is expected to wrap up late next week, and traffic will be moved on to those lanes while the focus switches to work on the southbound lanes after 5 November.

However progress depends on weather and investigation work.

There are three separate repair sites outside the current work areas which can be worked on later in November with less traffic management and disruption.

For local traffic, the switch overnight on 5 November means the southbound on and off ramps at the Te Kauwhata Interchange will be closed – so traffic will need to use the Rangiriri ramps to come and go from the Waikato Expressway.

The current work on the northbound lanes requires the northbound Te Kauwhata off and on ramps to be closed. While the site was opened up to all four lanes over Labour Weekend, it has returned to single lane in each direction until completion.

The surfacing repairs began last month and have been extended to a mid-November finish after further works were identified in the investigation stage after traffic was moved.

With the changing layout people are asked to take extra care when travelling through the interchanges by following any temporary speed limits, traffic management and signs. 

When the current works are complete a 70km/h speed restriction will remain for a settling period ahead of final surfacing.

Waka Kotahi encourages people to allow extra time if travelling on this section of the expressway, recommending they merge early into a single lane to help lessen congestion.

Waka Kotahi apologises for the disruption this work is causing and thanks people for their patience.