It’s time to answer some tough questions about our region’s future

Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

Scott said that decisions relating to the Regional Policy Statement and future expenditure were yet to be made by the Council, and that the community had a real opportunity to help influence and shape Canterbury’s future by completing the survey.

“It’s important that people take some time to complete this survey because their answers will help us determine how hard a line to draw on some of the decisions we need to make.

“We need to have these conversations now to explore what compromises we can find, and so we can try to pick the right path between what needs to be done, and what can be done.”

The survey uses feedback gathered through community engagement activities run by us in July and August this year, where the community was asked what environmental and climate change issues mattered to them, and their aspirations for the region.

To complete the survey visit:

To review previous community feedback, read the community sentiment report (PDF file, 3.36MB).