Tauranga Ākonga to Benefit from Bike Giveaway

Source: Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology

Getting to and from campus is now more accessible for nine Toi Ohomai ākonga, thanks to Good Neighbour and the Netherlands’ women’s football team. 

The Netherlands team, known as the OranjeLeeuwinnen or Orange Lionesses, was based in Tauranga during the FIFA Women’s World Cup. During this time, they had 30 bright orange bikes which they used regularly to get around the city and for training.

When their World Cup journey ended and the team left Tauranga, they chose to gift their bikes to several Tauranga charities, including Good Neighbour. 

Good Neighbour reached out to Toi Ohomai and Level 5 Business Diploma ākonga Daniel Mulholland, Tayla Jolley, and Te Mana Smith took up the role of organising a giveaway for Tauranga-based students. 

The team had requested that the bikes be given to women in the community, so entries were only open to Tauranga-based female ākonga. 

Daniel said the team facilitating the giveaway was incredibly pleased to see a lot of interest around the competition. 

“We received about 200 entries in total, which was fantastic.

“Seeing the winners claim their prizes was a truly rewarding process. Thank you to everyone for their enthusiastic participation and happy cycling to all the winners.”

He said it was great to work in partnership with Simone Gibson from Good Neighbour. 

“We were overjoyed to help facilitate their idea for the bike giveaway and look forward to working with them again in the future.”

When the giveaway was announced, Simone said Good Neighbour’s kaupapa had always been about providing practical ways to help the community. 

“Receiving these bikes is that kaupapa in action – sustainability and help with an extra special Netherlands connection.”

Pictured: Bike winners Jade Lurman, Jeneva Krebs, Layla Barnes, Talia Mackay, Becky Kingi, Janine Pharo, with Tayla Jolley and Daniel Mulholland and Good Neighbour General Manager Simone Gibson. 

Bike winners:
Jade Lurman 
Megan Kemp
Jeneva Krebs 
Adi-Grace Mooar
Layla Barnes 
Talia Mackay 
Becky Kingi
Janine Pharo
Ella Cooper