New report highlights pressures on Aotearoa New Zealand’s climate ? Stats NZ media and information release: New Zealand’s environmental reporting series: Our atmosphere and climate 2023

report highlights pressures on Aotearoa New Zealand’s climate – media

11 October 2023

Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities
are changing Aotearoa New Zealand’s climate, impacting the environment,
communities, and the economy, according to a new report.

The Ministry for the Environment and Stats
NZ have released the latest, three-yearly update about the state of Aotearoa’s
atmosphere and climate.

atmosphere and climate 2023
further evidence that emissions from human activities are putting pressure
on our climate, which is adversely impacting the environment, communities,
Māori interests, infrastructure, and the economy.

The Ministry’s Deputy Secretary – Joint
Evidence, Data and Insights Group, Natasha Lewis, says eight of the ten
warmest years recorded in Aotearoa up to 2022 have been in the last decade.

“Even minor changes in our climate can have
big effects on our environment. Rising temperatures have a significant
effect on agriculture, energy demand, ecosystems, and recreation,” she

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