Presidential Elections – President

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA)

Chris Abercrombie – James Hargest College

Having had the experience of working in a range of schools and in different areas of Aotearoa New Zealand, I have dealt with the variety and breadth of pressures that we as educators face. With the continuing impacts of Covid, the NCEA change package, the Curriculum Refreshes, and the prolonged industrial round – we find ourselves having to deal with an ever-increasing workload.

In my roles as JVP and acting President, I feel that I have gained the experience needed to fight for members at this time of great change. I have been a strong voice, one that reflects the diversity of experience of teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand.

I understand the many obstacles and concerns we face in our daily working lives, but I still believe teaching is an amazing career. It is a career that I love, and I’m energised by the joy and sense of pride that we all have as teachers within our classrooms and schools.

We are on this journey together and if we continue to move forward together as one, success will take care of itself.

We must continue to ensure that every teacher – from the top of Te Tai Tokerau to the very bottom of Te Waipounamu – has what they need. Support for teachers should not be dictated by the postcode lottery. By investing in our teachers, we are investing in the future for all New Zealanders. When we stand together in solidarity, we bring out the best.

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Jacinta Grice – Hillmorton High School

Ka tika ā muri, Ka tika ā mua”,

“Past stability ensures future stability”.

With 30 years of commitment to NZPPTA Te Wehengarua I have the skills and enthusiasm to lead the mahi of upholding and improving quality public education. As a confident public speaker I will ensure the professional voice of teachers is known and heard. I am actively engaged in fostering diverse and inclusive environments within the education sector. I have led PPTA Activism successfully. I am truly passionate about education, coaching and advocacy. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my experience and dedication to the role of President. I am well known for thinking outside the square to develop innovative solutions.

Teachers were united to settle the collective agreement. However, the pay and conditions were a catch up not a pay increase and work still needs to be continued. There are many big issues that are looming. For example: Compulsory teaching requirements for maths, reading and writing; Charter schools; Bulk funding; Destreaming in secondary schools; Commitment to te tiriti Māori; Low trust performance appraisals.

Underfunding change needs managing to ensure we have a world class education system and a high trust model of respect for educators. Teaching needs to be a first career choice for top

graduates with better working conditions and remuneration.

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