Traffic lights signal the end of SH1C Cobham Drive/Cambridge Rd intersection upgrade

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

New traffic lights at the intersection of State Highway 1C Cobham Drive and Cambridge Road are expected to be switched on early next week signalling the completion of the project to improve congestion in this busy neighbourhood.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency appreciates the work has been disruptive but says the benefits are shared.

“Once this new layout is operational, it will improve traffic flows through Hillcrest and the wider city, particularly during peak commuting times,” says Waka Kotahi Regional Manager Infrastructure Delivery Jo Wilton.

Waka Kotahi asks commuters and local residents who regularly use this busy intersection to be prepared for this change, including traffic once again turning right from Cobham Drive into Cambridge Road, which has been closed since the project began in January.

“As with any change to the road layout, we advise drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to take care while everyone gets used to how the intersection operates,”

Under the new intersection layout, traffic no longer has the option to turn right from Cambridge Road into Cobham Drive. A raised safety platform at the intersection will help keep vehicles at safe speeds. Two new signalised pedestrian crossings and wider footpaths in some areas will help pedestrians, including tamariki attending Hillcrest School, cross these busy roads safely.

For more information about this project, see the Waka Kotahi website:
SH1C Cobham Drive and Cambridge Road intersection improvements

Once the traffic lights are operational the contractor will remain onsite for a short while longer with some minor finishing jobs to be completed. This work will be done under shoulder closure, with traffic to remain at two lanes in each direction.

Waka Kotahi would like to thank the Hillcrest community for their patience while we have completed this important upgrade to Hamilton’s roading network.