Māori and Pasifika Trades Training

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

MPTT interaction with Fees Free
If a learner enrols in MPTT on or after 1 July 2020, their MPTT training will no longer count towards the use of a learner’s fees-free entitlement, or count as prior study. This means learners will not be disadvantaged by being enrolled in MPTT initiatives.
If a learner has completed an MPTT course, and goes on to further study, are they eligible for Fees Free?
This will depend on when the learner started and completed their MPTT course.

MPTT course start/end date


Starts on, or after, 1 January 2018, and ends prior to 30 June 2020
This study will count towards the use of a learner’s fees-free entitlement.
Starts on, or after, 1 January 2020 and continues after July 2020
See table below.
Starts on, or after, 1 July 2020
The study will not count towards the use of a learner’s fees-free entitlement.
This table shows the proportion of a course that does count towards a learner’s fees-free entitlement use.

Course start date 

Percentage of course post 1 July 

Proportion of course that counts towards entitlement use

 1 January – 30 April 2020
 Less than 50%
 1 January – 30 April 2020
 50% to less than 75%
 1 January – 30 April 2020
 75% or more
 1 May – 30 June 2020
 33% or more
 1 May – 30 June 2020
 Less than 33%
MPTT courses that started on or after 1 July 2020 will not be counted towards a learner’s fees-free entitlement.
Therefore, if a learner enrols in an MPTT course that started on or after 1 July 2020, this study will not impact their eligibility for Fees Free tertiary education, under current policy settings. If the learner has previously accessed Fees Free, and has remaining entitlement, they will be able to use this at a later date (should they meet the criteria applicable at the time of enrolment in further study).
Prior study rules for MPTT from 1 July 2020
Will MPTT study be included in a learner’s prior study when determining eligibility for Fees Free?
To be eligible for Fees Free, a learner must not have undertaken more than half a year of equivalent full-time tertiary education (0.5 equivalent full-time student (EFTS) or 60 credits) at level 3 or above on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF), including tertiary education at an equivalent level undertaken in any country; known as the prior study criteria.  
Credits obtained from MPTT courses that start on, or after 1 July 2020 will no longer be included as part of the 60 credits of prior study criteria. 
Refer to the above table for interactions between YG and Fees Free.
Any MPTT study that started before 1 July 2020 will continue to be included in prior study calculations for fees-free eligibility.
Learners will not need to apply to the TEC for the changes to be reflected in their fees-free entitlements. However, it will take time for the TEC to process the changes for them to be reflected in an individual’s fees-free entitlement information.
MPTT interaction with TTAF
This section provides guidance on how to enrol and report on learners at Level 3 and above in the MPTT fund with the introduction of Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF) on 1 July 2020:
What does the introduction of TTAF, and the change to Fees Free, mean for MPTT?
We expect a learner that would have been enrolled as a MPTT learner in the past, will continue to be enrolled through MPTT whilst there are places available, rather than TTAF. This is because the MPTT Fund offers additional resources and pastoral care to learners that require it.
MPTT places should continue to be used as agreed with your consortia and TEC.
TTAF study does not use up fees-free entitlements, and will not count as prior study in relation to any future fees-free entitlement.
Changes to the Fees Free rules mean that MPTT enrolments after 1 July 2020 will no longer a learner’s fees-free entitlement, or count as prior study. This means learners will not be disadvantaged by being enrolled in MPTT with respect to their fees-free eligibility.
The TEC will include reviewing enrolment source of funding (SOF) codes in its monitoring activity.
If we enrol a learner in TTAF instead of MPTT, what is the TEC’s position on this?
If you choose to:
enrol a learner under SAC Level 3 and above, in a TTAF eligible programme; and
prior to TTAF being available you would have ordinarily enrolled that learner under MPTT (SOF 28,29);you are required to support this learner in the same way that you would have supported them via MPTT.
you will be required to self-fund the same level of support that would have been provided had those learners been enrolled in MPTT. No additional funding will be provided for the support. The requirement can be found in your funding agreement at clause 40(c).
The Ministry of Education are considering the impact of TTAF on MPTT settings for learners and Tertiary Education Organisations. Any changes will be communicated following the Minister’s agreement to any changes to the MPTT funding parameters.