Govt changes fall short of what’s needed for migrant protection

Source: Green Party

The Green Party will keep up the fight to support exploited migrant workers, including pushing to end single employer visas, after the government picked up Green recommendations to improve immigration settings.

“Only the Green Party will carry community voices into Parliament to keep up the fight for fair work rights. It’s time to end visas that bind people to specific employers,” says Ricardo Menéndez March, Green Party’s Immigration Spokesperson.

“We welcome people into our communities who want to make Aotearoa home, bringing their experiences, skills, and perspectives, but tying their visas to specific employers limits the choices migrants have and opens up opportunities for exploitation.

“The Green Party has long called for the Migrant Exploitation Protection Visa to provide better support, so we are pleased the government has finally taken on board this change. 

“Today’s announcement will provide important income support for migrants and should be made permanent. However, by continuing to keep so many workers’ ability to stay in the country and contribute to labour shortages tied to a single employer, migrant exploitation will continue to remain high. 

“It is critical the government addresses the policy settings that enable migrants to be exploited in the first place, rather than only addressing it once it has happened. By decoupling work visas from single employers we enable migrants to be able to leave exploitative conditions before it puts their wellbeing in peril.

“With more Green MPs, we can push for this change.

“The Green Party has been the only party campaigning to end the exploitative practice of binding migrants to a single employer following calls from unions, migrant rights advocacy groups and migrants themselves. 

“With a track record of securing gains for migrant communities this term the Greens will continue fighting to end migrant exploitation and better support victims,” says Ricardo Menéndez March.