Free school lunches paid for with a wealth tax

Source: Green Party

The Green Party will expand free school lunches and pay for it with a fair tax system. 

“The time is now to make sure that every child has healthy, affordable food at home and at school. The Green Party’s plan to expand free school lunches alongside our Income Guarantee will make sure no child in Aotearoa goes hungry – and it will all be paid for with the wealth tax,” says Green Party co leader Marama Davidson. 

“Right now, thousands of children across Aotearoa are going hungry. Families are struggling to cover the basics and far too many parents are forced to skip meals so their children can get something to eat. 

“The Green Party will put community wellbeing at the heart of education. Free school lunches will support families with the rising cost of living and ensure that no matter what happens, tamariki can get a good lunch at school. 

“The Government’s Healthy School Lunches programme, Ka Ora Ka Ako, provides a decent free lunch to 230,000 children and young people. But its future is at risk following Labour’s decision earlier this year to only provide funding for one more year of lunches.

“The Green Party’s plan to keep the current programme going, funded by a wealth tax, and expand free school lunches to 135,000 more children is the right thing to do. 

“Free school lunches builds on the Green Party’s Income Guarantee and our commitment to ensuring whānau have a safe, warm and affordable place to call home,” says Marama Davidson. 

Teanau Tuiono, the Green Party’s education spokesperson added:

“Over the past few weeks we have seen clearer than ever the choice people have in October. A selfish National and ACT government that would serve only to benefit big business and the wealthy few. 

“Or a government with a strong Green voice so we can work together to make sure everyone has what they need to live a good life.

“Only the Green Party will ensure that everyone has an income that covers life’s essentials; children have enough to eat, and a warm, dry and affordable place to live that is powered by cheap, clean energy; with access to free dental care – as well as creating climate-safe communities where people and nature thrive.

“Poverty is a political choice. Our plan will provide lasting solutions that will guarantee everyone has what they need to live a good life and cover the essentials – even when times are tough,” says Teanau Tuiono.