East Coast Road update

Source: Auckland Council

Significant repairs are due to start on East Coast Road on 18 September 2023. 

Start date: Monday 18 September Time to complete: 13 Weeks (weather dependant)  Hours: 7am to 7pm, Monday to Saturday 

This work includes building a retaining wall and kerb, and maintenance to gutters and pavement. For safety reasons, Auckland Transport (AT) will install a steel barrier before any work begins. Signs, barriers and road cones will also be put in place a day before the retaining wall work begins. 

Please park away from the work area during the working hours above. AT may need to tow vehicles parked in the work area to a safe position a short distance from the work site. Every effort will be made to locate the owner before towing.  

This work involves heavy machinery which can create noise, vibration, and dust. All efforts will be made to minimise these disturbances as much as practically possible. We’ll park our equipment near the worksite, behind the barriers, during this time. To ensure the safety of you and your whānau, please keep young children and animals well supervised and away from the work area.  

While these repairs are underway, we recommend that you plan your journey ahead of time as changes to the road layout and access may cause minor delays. To keep you and our team safe, please be patient and follow the instructions of the onsite traffic control team. 

To report an issue or lodge a query with any of the above, please contact AT on 09 355 3553.