Source: Green Party
The case for a wealth tax has never been stronger.
“The evidence is out and it shows an urgent need to change the tax system,” says Green Party finance spokesperson Julie Anne Genter.
“The case has never been clearer for changing the tax system to raise the money needed to invest in things that will make a real difference to people – like increasing Working for Families, doubling Best Start, and building thousands more warm dry homes.
“While the books are better than expected, it is completely ridiculous that both of the major parties are resigned to cutting back spending and public services instead of making the tax system fairer. This will impact lower income people most of all.
“It is a political choice to leave the tax system as it is and to expect thousands of families up and down Aotearoa to take the hit. We need a government with a strong Green voice that will tax the wealthiest few and use that money to support everyone.
“The money we need to make life better for everyone in NZ is already there. All that’s missing is the political courage to make the tax system fair and to invest in lifting incomes.
“The Green Party has a plan to make sure the wealthiest few pay their fair share. This would raise enough money to guarantee everyone an income that covers life’s essentials; a warm, dry and affordable place to live that is powered by cheap, clean energy; and access to free dental care – as well as creating climate-safe communities where people and nature thrive.
“And don’t let National pull the wool over your eyes. Their plan is a cynical ploy to do the absolute least for middle income earners in order to get away with tax cuts for the wealthiest few.
“As they struggle day after day to explain how they would *actually* pay for their tax cuts, it’s becoming increasingly clear they could resort to cutting essential public services that support all of Aotearoa. This is a cynical, ideological push to gut our public services.
“Only the Green Party has a fully costed, robust, coherent plan to make things better for everyone in Aotearoa. People struggling to make ends meet will be much better off under our plan. It’s that simple,” says Julie Anne Genter.