Source: Pet Refuge

Sleeping in her car during floods the first time, then being forced to flee her hometown the second

Pet Refuge is continuing to operate on the edge of capacity as it copes with pets staying longer. This is alongside helping families being forced to ask for help a second time after securing what they thought was a safe home, only to be found again by an abusive ex-partner.

Since Pet Refuge opened in 2021, nine women have been forced to ask for help a second time, after having safely housed their pets at the shelter, giving them time to escape abuse and set themselves up in a safe home where their beloved pets can join them.

Julie Chapman can talk about the woman’s situation in the media release, for e.g sleeping in her car.  She can’t talk personally as still in danger,  or here’s an example of another she could discuss. See attached media release.

Another interview option

Annie had to leave her two dogs in her house when she left with her four kids, for their safety.  She went to a refuge but wasn’t able to have her two dogs there.  She went to her old home everyday to feed the dogs, but one day the father of her kids trapped her and her children in the house.  She wasn’t able to leave for three days, until she eventually called the police and family to come over so she could leave.

Annie then went to another town to stay with family but the property wasn’t fenced and the dogs couldn’t be contained. She kept them in her car, but worried about them and couldn’t settle.

She then found out about Pet Refuge and who met her and picked up her two dogs and stayed at the Refuge for about two months.

They had, had one of the dogs, since he was just a few days old, after rescuing him.  After bottle feeding him and saving his life, he became very close to the family, and seemed to think he was human, sitting on chairs for his dinner.

While the dogs were at the refuge, the woman was in daily contact, the kids missed their babies so much.

Now the family is in safe housing with their two dogs and Annie has a full time job. The kids are happy and the family is away from control and thriving.