Development News – Fast-track consent approved for Waihoehoe Precinct

Source: Environmental Protection Authority

An independent panel has approved resource consent, subject to conditions, to subdivide and construct a housing development in Drury, South Auckland.
Oyster Capital Limited applied for resource consent under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 on 9 December 2022. The development is at 76, 76a, 116, 136 and 140 Waihoehoe Road. It includes 376 dwellings, 9 lots for future development, open space and infrastructure.
The resource consent conditions are listed in the decision document linked below.
The decision comes 149 working days after the application was lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority, excluding the days the application was suspended at the applicant’s request.
The Environmental Protection Authority is not involved in the decision-making. We provide advice and administrative support for the panel convener, Judge Laurie Newhook, and the expert consenting panels he appoints.