Weaving Insights – Summary report for the Rongoā Workstream

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health


Weaving Insights is the summary report for engagement led by Manatū Hauora as part of the rongoā workstream which was progressed alongside the Therapeutic Products Bill. It documents feedback given by Māori at two in-person hui, two virtual hui and an online survey. In total, 295 Māori, provided feedback on the Bill from 17 January to 13 February 2023.

Participants of the rongoā workstream shared a variety of perspectives, including whether they felt the Therapeutic Products Bill protects rongoā, whether it will help assure patient safety and whether it’ll help ensure access to the export market for rongoā.

The rongoā workstream was established on 30 November 2022 by Hon Peeni Henare Associate Minister of Health (Māori) alongside the Therapeutic Products Bill. It was created to explore the interface of the Therapeutic Products Bill and rongoā.

From the beginning, the Government has been clear that it wanted to ensure rongoā was protected. This is why the Minister asked for the stand-alone rongoā workstream. The rongoā workstream was established to develop advice on:

  • the protection of rongoā;
  • the assurance of patient safety; and
  • ensuring access to the export markets for rongoā practitioners providing direct services to patient (alongside those providing therapeutic and products with health benefit claims).

Weaving Insights also includes additional Māori views and perspectives which were heard through the rongoā workstream.

The Therapeutic Products Act was given royal assent on 26 July 2023.