Parliament Hansard Report – Tuesday, 29 August 2023 (continued on Wednesday, 30 August 2023) – Volume 770 – 001203

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard

SORAYA PEKE-MASON (Labour): Tēnā koe te Mana Whakawā. Mihi ana ki a koutou. Ata mārie. I’m pleased to take a short call on the Land Transport (Road Safety) Amendment Bill. I want to first of all acknowledge the 377 people who lost their lives tragically in this way. One is one too many and there’s nothing worse than getting that knock on the door to hear such tragic news. So I just wanted to spare a thought for them.

I welcome this bill and I welcome what it means. In particular, I just want to acknowledge the impoundment of the fleeing vehicles. I think six months is reasonable. It gives those drivers time to reflect and to think about their behaviour, and hopefully in a way that is going to make some changes in their lives. I am also supportive of the vehicle impoundment for failing to provide that information. This is very, very important. It’s just unfortunate with the world today that this sort of behaviour happens. So here we are—we have to do what we have to do to help protect our communities.

Also the vehicle forfeiture—yes, absolutely. Support the idea of having to seize these vehicles and to use those proceeds to retain by the Crown for purposes that I’m sure we can always find for that. Also the point-to-point cameras and the automated infringements.

Our heart is fully in this bill. It needs to happen. Yes, this is the right direction. I commend this to the House. Kia ora.