Detailed design for Waitara Road roundabout released

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

The detailed design for a safety enhancing roundabout at the intersection of State Highway 3 and Waitara Road in Waitara has been released.

The Waitara Road roundabout will be the second of four roundabouts constructed as part of Te Ara Tūtohu – SH3 Waitara to Bell Block safety improvements.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Regional Manager of Infrastructure Delivery Rob Partridge, says the new roundabout will significantly improve safety for everyone who uses the road.

“This roundabout, in conjunction with new roundabouts at the intersections of Princess Street, SH3A (Mountain Road) and De Havilland Drive, flexible median barrier and other safety improvements, will reduce the number of people who are killed or seriously injured on this stretch of road,” says Mr Partridge.

To make the roundabout as safe as possible, improvements are planned for Raleigh Street and Tate Road.

“The section of Raleigh Street between SH3 and Tate Road will become one-way, with traffic entering via a left turn off Tate Road. The layout of the intersection of Tate Road and Raleigh Street will also be changed from a four-way intersection to a T-intersection.

Construction of the roundabout is expected to get underway in early 2024.

“As well as starting construction on the Waitara Road roundabout, we plan to install the first stretch of flexible median barrier along the route in 2024,” says Mr Partridge.

The first section of median barrier will start approximately 300m west of the intersection of SH3 and Bayly Street and end approximately 40m east of the Mamaku Road intersection.

“Many of the crashes on SH3 between Waitara and Bell Block are head-on or at intersections so the combination of median barrier and roundabouts will significantly reduce the risk of these types of crashes,” says Mr Partridge.

Community drop-in session

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and its project partners Manukorihi, Ngāti Rahiri, Otaraua, Pukerangiora, Puketapu Hapū, Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa and New Plymouth District Council, invite people to learn more about the safety improvements planned for State Highway 3 between Waitara and Bell Block at a community drop-in session.

The session will take place on Wednesday 27 September from 4-7pm, at Whai Tapuwae Nō Rongo, 17 Princess Street, Clifton Park, Waitara.

“We’re inviting the local community to come along anytime between 4-7pm to meet the team and find out more about how we’re making the road safer for everyone. The Princess Street roundabout and underpass, the Waitara Road roundabout, and flexible median barrier will be the focus topics at this session,” says Mr Partridge.

As well as learning about the project, people will also have the opportunity to speak with representatives from New Plymouth District Council about the Coastal Walkway project and Let’s Go programmes.

“We really value the feedback and suggestions we’ve received from the local community on this project, and we’re looking forward to seeing as many people as possible at the drop-in session,” says Mr Partridge.

Te Ara Tūtohu: Waitara to Bell Block safety improvements are delivering to New Zealand’s Road Safety Strategy, Road to Zero 2020 – 2030, which aims to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on our roads by 40% by 2030.

For further information about Te Ara Tūtohu and to sign up to email updates visit our project page.

Te Ara Tūtohu: Waitara to Bell Block