Release: Military style guns back in communities under ACT

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The ACT Party’s promise to bring back the military style assault rifles the March 15 terrorist used will make communities unsafe and put communities and Police at risk, says Labour Police Spokesperson Ginny Andersen.

In its “Plan for fair firearms laws”, ACT is committed to repealing all firearms legislation passed following the March 15 terrorist attack. This includes the Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Act 2019 that removed military style semi-automatic weapons (MSSAs).

“It’s unbelievable ACT is promising to bring back the guns most commonly used in mass shootings overseas and the March 15 terrorist attacks here,” Ginny Andersen said.

“These guns are not designed for hunting. Gangs and criminals will be rubbing their hands together at this policy.

“ACT is putting our Police in harm’s way. Police already have a dangerous job without the risk of having assault weapons pulled on them. It’s unconscionable.

“Make no mistake, the ACT Party will be driving the opposition’s firearms policy. Christopher Luxon has repeatedly failed to make retention of the Firearms Registry a bottom line despite 82 per cent of the public supporting it.

“With Christopher Luxon’s own caucus deeply divided on firearms regulation it’s clear a change of Government will put more dangerous guns into our communities.

“We knew the Coalition of Cuts would cut services, but now they will also cut safety and protection of our communities.

“Labour has made the most significant investment in law and order in a generation. We’ve boosted Police numbers by 1,800 new officers, introduced the Firearms Registry and put in place new laws to crack down on gangs, organised crime, and illicit firearms.

“We have more to do, but the job of making our communities safer will be so much harder if assault rifles are made legal again,” Ginny Andersen said.

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