Parliament Hansard Report – Obituaries – 001199

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Thomas de Vere (Pat) Hunt

David Graham McGee CNZM, KC

SPEAKER: Members, I regret to inform the House of the death, on 24 July 2023, of Thomas de Vere (Pat) Hunt, who represented the electorate of Pakuranga from 1978 to 1984. During his membership of the House, he was a member of a number of select committees, including the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Labour and Education Committee, and the Public Expenditure Committee.

I also regret to inform the House of the death, on 27 August 2023, of David Graham McGee CNZM, KC, who was Clerk of the House of Representatives from 1985 to 2007. He was the author of the first three editions of Parliamentary Practice in New Zealand and was held in high esteem throughout the Commonwealth as an expert on parliamentary procedure.

I desire, on behalf of the House, to express our sense of the loss we have sustained and our sympathy with the relatives of the late former member and Clerk. I now ask members to stand with me and observe a period of silence as a mark of respect to their memories.

Members stood as a mark of respect.