Labour needs to reconsider wealth tax

Source: Green Party

The announcement today that the Government has decided to cut funding to public services shows exactly why they need to tax wealth and big corporations.

“The Labour Government is constraining itself unnecessarily by refusing to change the tax system to raise revenue from the wealthiest few which can be used to support everyone in Aotearoa. The time is now for a wealth tax,” says Green Party finance spokesperson Julie Anne Genter.

“Aotearoa’s tax system that has been designed to favour the wealthiest few. The government’s own research shows that just 311 families own more wealth than the bottom two and half million New Zealanders.

“And yet they pay less than half the effective tax of the average New Zealander.

“Today’s decision will only constrain future Governments from being able to help every single person in Aotearoa.

“It doesn’t have to be like this. The money we need to make life better for everyone in NZ is already there. All that’s missing is the political courage to make it happen.

“The Green Party’s plan ensures the wealthiest few, and big corporations like the banks, pay their fair share through a wealth tax and corporate tax of 33%.

“This would guarantee everyone an income that covers life’s essentials; a warm, dry and affordable place to live that is powered by cheap, clean energy; and access to free dental care in communities where people and nature thrive.

“Labour can play the rule-in, rule-out game all they want. But politicians need to remember that it’s up to the people to decide what they want on the table after the election. When 63% of people polled say they support a wealth tax to pay for free dental care – together with lifting all whānau out of poverty – it’s time for politicians to listen up.

“With more Green MPs and Green Ministers sitting around the cabinet table, we can redesign the tax system to benefit everyone,” says Julie Anne Genter.