Produce News – Eat New Zealand tomatoes and support local growers

Source: Horticulture New Zealand

Tomatoes New Zealand is encouraging consumers to buy local and support New Zealand tomato growers.
‘Fresh, New Zealand-grown tomatoes are in good supply as we enter spring, but we also have significant volumes of imported irradiated Australian tomatoes in the market (almost 168.5 tonnes in June and July 2023)’ says Tomatoes New Zealand Chair, Barry O’Neil.
Some imported fresh produce is irradiated to lessen the risk of fruit fly coming into New Zealand. It is a requirement that fresh produce that is irradiated, have signage so that consumers are aware.
‘The industry has had several challenging years, where the industry has had to manage disease pressures mainly due to the very poor weather, but also being part of the ETS along with ongoing production cost increases have put many growers in uncertain financial positions.’
Barry says over winter, retailers will import cheaper fresh tomatoes from Australia, which are not subject to similar ETS costs in Australia, so New Zealand growers are having to compete on an unlevel playing field.
‘However, by buying New Zealand-grown tomatoes, consumers will be supporting local growers and helping to ensure New Zealand’s long-term food security, by supporting local jobs and businesses.’