Human Rights – Mid-winter swims in Auckland, New Plymouth and Christchurch in solidarity with Gaza’s children

Source: Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa

PSNA is supporting this international Swim with Gaza action tomorrow, Saturday 26th August.

Supporters in Auckland, New Plymouth and Christchurch will be out swimming or paddling their feet in the cold – hopefully not freezing – water of winter while Gaza’s children cool off in the summer heat.

The purpose of this event is to show support and solidarity with Gaza’s children and demonstrate to them that people around the globe have not forgotten them and the people of Palestine as they suffer in the world’s largest open-air prison.

Western governments, New Zealand included, always look the other way to the brutal oppression of Palestinians under Israel’s apartheid policies against Palestinians.

As it was in the fight against apartheid in South Africa, it is left to ordinary New Zealanders to stand up and be counted with Palestinians on behalf of this country.

Details of the three events are here:

Auckland: 2pm at Mission Bay Beach – watch out for Palestinian flags. Facebook event is here.

New Plymouth: 2pm East End Beach near the bridge. Facebook event is here

Christchurch: 2pm Sumner Beach by the clocktower. Facebook event is here.

John Minto

National Chair

Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa