Consumer News – How much money is spent on groceries in New Zealand and other countries? – Picodi

Source: Picodi

We juxtaposed the data from 105 countries worldwide – analyst team checked the statistical data from 105 countries and calculated how much money people spend on their groceries worldwide.

The collected data shows that, depending on a country, grocery spendings can vary from a few percent up to over half of consumer spending. For example, less than a tenth of spending on food and non-alcoholic beverages consumed at home can be found in countries such as the USA – 6.7%, Singapore – 8.4%, the UK – 8.7%, Ireland – 9.2% and Switzerland – 9.9%.

In this ranking, New Zealand ranked 13th out of 105 countries – food and non-alcoholic beverages make up 12.2% of spending on goods and services. This result is similar to the one in Australia (10.0%), Hong Kong (12.1%) and South Korea (12.8%).

Among the countries included in the ranking, the highest percentage of spending on groceries can be found in Nigeria, Myanmar and Kenya – 59%, 56.6% and 56.1% respectively.

“The data shows, that the more developed the country is, the less money is spent on food eaten at home,” said Mikołaj Kasiej, Content Marketing Manager at Picodi. “Such a low percentage of spending could also mean that citizens of more developed countries can eat out more often, and such spending was not included in this percentage.”

How much money is spent on groceries in the APAC region?

The highest grocery spending in APAC can be found in Hong Kong ($306/month), followed by New Zealand ($290/month) and Japan ($288/month), which can be explained by the overall high prices in those countries.

An average Kiwi spends $290 (NZ$466) monthly on groceries.

The lowest grocery spending can be found in Myanmar ($42/month), India ($37/month) and Pakistan ($32/month).

(See the data for the entire APAC region on the map below)


In our report, we used the latest household food and non-alcoholic beverages consumption statistics from Euromonitor and official government websites. For currency conversion, we used the average exchange rate data from Google Finance for July 2023.

The entire dataset can be found here

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