Greens cheers community win to reduce alcohol harm

Source: Green Party

The Green Party is today celebrating the passage of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Community Participation) Bill.

“Let’s be under no illusion. This Bill was introduced to the House and has passed today as a direct result of years of community campaigning, including most recently with the Greens nearly two year campaign for my Alcohol Harm Minimisation Bill,” said Green Party drug harm reduction spokesperson Chlöe Swarbrick.

“We’re stoked that the Government copied our homework by removing the special appeals process abused by large corporations to steamroll over community designed Local Alcohol Policies.

“To be crystal clear, this does not remove the right to judicial appeals, as the opposition have been disingenuously peddling. It simply revokes a special, unique right for alcohol sellers to tie up Local Alcohol Policies progressing – there’s no similar provision for sellers of tobacco, vapes, pokies or any other form of social harm.

“It must be noted, however, that both the Government and the opposition continue to kick the issue of alcohol glamorisation through advertising and sponsorship to touch, despite overwhelming research commissioned and action recommended to Governments of both stripes.

“Only the Greens continue to fight for logically consistent, evidence-based harm reduction approaches to all substances, and today, we’re celebrating another win with and for our communities,” says Chlöe Swarbrick.