Webinar: storm affected properties

Source: Auckland Council

We’ve created an online webinar especially for Auckland homeowners whose property or neighbourhood was impacted by severe weather in early 2023.

Date: Tuesday 5 September 2023
Time: 6.30 – 7.45 pm (may go over time)
Register now: Register to attend by clicking here

Our team will be covering topics such as:

  • The different property categories in the Government risk framework and what it means for you
  • The difference between property categorisation and coloured placards/stickers
  • How high-risk properties are identified
  • Update on the property buyout process
  • How to access information and support
  • Answering your frequently asked questions (submitted prior to the webinar)

You can expect to receive the most up to date information, presented in a way that’s easy to understand. Some homeowners are feeling unsettled about what the future holds, which is understandable. We’ve allocated time during the webinar to answer questions and concerns. There is an opportunity to submit questions before the webinar starts and we’ll answer them anonymously during the webinar to protect your privacy.

If you haven’t already, please register to attend by clicking here

Frequently Asked Questions

What is property categorisation?

It is a process that categorises the risk to you and your home from extreme weather and it is different to the coloured placards/stickers that have been issued. Property categorisation will apply to you if your property in an area that is identified as a possible risk of flooding in the future or was affected by a landslide. At its heart, property categorisation is all about keeping you and your whānau safe by identifying future risks to property and people when there is a pattern of severe weather.

Why is the property categorisation process taking so long?

We know some people are feeling frustrated with the time it is taking to confirm a category for your home. It is a delicate balance between moving as fast as possible to create certainty for homeowners who desperately need it; and making quality decisions that are the right ones for Auckland in the long-term. Find out more with our recent story on Our Auckland.

Have you completed the landslide and flood registration form?

We contacted affected property owners in June to request they complete the flooding and landslide registration form. If you haven’t already done so, please fill out this form here to be part of the property categorisation process.

How can I get the latest news, information and updates on what’s happening with storm damaged properties, infrastructure and communities?

Stay informed by signing up to regional or location specific e-newsletters here.

What if I can’t attend the webinar?

A recording will be available in our e-newsletter. Sign up to our newsletter here.