Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Roading contractors will be undertaking urgent work to install a temporary culvert next week on State Highway 2 at White Pine Bush.
The road will be closed overnight next Sunday (27 August) and Monday (28 August) at each end of Tangoio Settlement Road, between Napier and Tutira.
The road will be closed at 8pm on both nights and will reopen at 4am each morning.
A hillside slip is blocking drainage which is causing surface flooding during rainfall, resulting in a significant underslip.
Hawke’s Bay / Tairāwhiti System Manager Martin Colditz says during the two overnight closures, crews will be installing a temporary culvert to channel water away from the road. Doing this work next week is necessary to avoid further deterioration of the road and potentially longer closures.
“During the closures, there will be a detour on Tangoio Settlement Road, for light vehicles only.
“Over the past week, crews have been onsite preparing for the works by removing material from the upper slope. This work will continue this week. There is stop/go traffic management in place. We’re reminding drivers to expect some delays during this work.
“We want to thank the communities either side of Tangoio Settlement Road for their understanding,” says Mr Colditz.
Above image: Damage caused on SH2 at White Pine Bush by the blocked drainage.