Pay transparency announcement a win for workers

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU

The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions welcomes today’s announcement on progressing pay transparency in New Zealand.

This morning, Minister for Women Jan Tinetti and Associate Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety Priyanca Radhakrishnan, announced that pay gap reporting would be made mandatory for businesses with more than 250 staff. After four years, this would include businesses with over 100 staff.

NZCTU National Secretary Melissa Ansell-Bridges said the announcement was a great start to improving the culture of pay transparency.

“We know that a culture of greater transparency will empower working people to continue to improve their pay.”

Ansell-Bridges also encouraged the Government to ensure that ethnic pay gaps would be included as well.

“Research shows us that income inequity is compounded further for ethnic minorities. All marginalised workers need action on pay transparency.

“We think every worker should have access to greater pay transparency and hope to see the range of businesses included increase in the future. We would also like to see prohibitions on pay confidentiality clauses and requirements to advertise pay ranges in job ads.”