Take action for Nature this Conservation Week

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  10 August 2023

Conservation Week is an annual, national celebration that encourages people to get involved in nature and conservation.

Department of Conservation Senior Ranger Katy Newton says this year the Whanganui area has a diverse programme to entice the community to take action for nature.

“We’re kicking off with a conservation themed stall at the River Market with Bushy Park Tarapuruhi, Forest and Bird, Predator Free Whanganui, Horizons Regional Council, and Sustainable Whanganui on Saturday 12 August.”

Throughout the week there will be chances to learn about predator trapping, tree-plantings and working bees, a conservation film, and opportunities to kōrero/chat with DOC staff.

“We really want to connect with our local whanau and hear about the communities’ aspirations and see how we can provide support to achieve those goals.

“There are many ways to get involved, and all of these actions, small or large, combine to have a real impact on our taonga species and environment.”

For the full Conservation Week programme visit conservationweek.org.nz.
