Call for Nominations: Election of President, Junior Vice President, Māori Vice President and Executive members for 2024 – 2025

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA)

Members are hereby notified that, in accordance with Rules 65(i) and (ii) of the Constitution, nominations are invited for the 2024-2025 year as follows:

  1. President
  2. Junior Vice President
  3. Māori Vice President
  4. National Executive members in the following electoral areas:

– Northland (Upper, Central and Lower) Regions 1
– The four Wards of the Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Region* 4
– Counties-Manukau Region 1
– Waikato Region 1
– Hauraki Coromandel, Western Bay of Plenty Regions 1
– Bay of Plenty, Central Plateau Regions 1
– Manawatu/Whanganui Region 1
– Taranaki Region 1
– Hawkes Bay, East Coast Regions 1
– Hutt Valley, Wairarapa Regions 1
– Wellington, Marlborough Regions 2
– Nelson, West Coast Regions 1
– Canterbury Region 2
– Aoraki Region 1
– Otago Region 1
– Southland Region 1

* The composition of these Wards, as ratified by the Executive, are attached
as Appendix A and distributed to Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Region
branches only. 

Any full member is eligible for nomination provided that (with the exception of the four Wards of the Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Region) nominees for the Executive must be employed within the electoral area for which they are nominated. In the case of the four Wards of the Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Region, the nominee may be a member of any branch in the Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Region, but the nomination must be in respect of a specific ward

Where a member is nominated for the office of President and any other office, ballot papers and instructions will be issued so as to permit preferential voting for the candidates in that particular election.

At the conclusion of the voting, the votes cast will be counted in the order of President, Vice Presidents, Executive members, and the votes recorded against a candidate in an election for a lower office will not be counted if that person has been elected to the office of President.

Please note that the proposers and seconders of all nominations must be full members of the Association. Proposers and seconders of Executive member candidates (with the exception of President, Junior Vice President and Māori Vice President positions) must be members from within the electoral area concerned. Proposers and seconders for the Māori Vice President position must be from the Māori electoral roll.

Each year all candidates are asked to provide information about themselves (on the form supplied) with their nominations. This has a twofold purpose: it enables preparation of the election material without undue pressure and gives the Association information about all its officeholders, even those for whom an election is not required. Presidential nominees should also supply a photo of themselves.

Candidates for the positions of President, Junior Vice President, Māori Vice President should submit a video up to 60 seconds in length [MX15/008]. The video must adhere to the attached ‘Conduct of Association Elections – Note to All Candidates’. Specifically:

a) Avoid making ‘personal policies’ or ‘policy platform’ statements.
b) Do not canvass for support.
c) Demonstrate knowledge of te reo Māori (Māori Vice President nominations).
d) Please give full personal and biographical information of a factual and relevant nature to assist member voters

Nominations close with the Acting General Secretary, NZPPTA, P O Box 2119, Wellington 6140, at 5.00 pm on Friday 1 September 2023. Nominations must be made on the attached form, with the written consent of the person nominated in the space provided. All Nomination forms must be accompanied by the completed candidate’s information sheet.

The rolls for the purpose of any elections to be held following nominations will close at 5.00 pm on Wednesday 6 September 2023.

The forms of nomination to be used, together with material for candidates, are attached. The special freepost envelope, addressed to the PPTA Returning Officer, is provided for the purpose of returning nomination forms. In no circumstances should it be used for ordinary correspondence.

Full details are in the attachment above