Muriwai drilling progress update

Source: Auckland Council

Completion of another 80m drillhole at Muriwai marked the seventh of the nine planned holes in the study completed. Drilling will continue Oaia Road on borehole BH-M02. Remaining drillhole BH-M04 on Domain Crescent is due to be completed week of 14 August (see below image).

Drilling locations (red dots)

Ground investigations have progressed well. The critical data so far has been included in the reports that will be released in draft at the end of August. The extracted drillcore has shown expected geology, such as Awhitu Sand Formation in BH-M03 (drillcore image below). Samples are due to be sent to a laboratory for testing and ground water monitoring will continue beyond the completion of the programme.

Drillcore – highly weathered Awhitu sand formation

Drilling set up on BH-M03