Soil sampling to take place on SH3 between Waitara and Bell Block next week

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

A lower temporary speed limit will be in place next week near the intersection of Princess Street and State Highway 3 in Waitara, to allow for soil sampling before the road is widened.

A 50 km/h speed limit will apply between Monday (7 August) and Friday (11 August) either side of the construction site. Currently the speed limit is 80 km/h.

The 50 km/h temporary restriction will apply each day next week between 9am and 5pm.

A 30km/h speed limit will continue to apply through the construction site.

The 50km/h temporary speed limit will be in place on one side of the construction site and then switch to the other side as the soil sampling progresses.

In the event of bad weather, the soil sampling will be pushed out to the next fine day.

We advise motorists to expect a slightly longer journey through the area and to plan ahead.

The widening of the road is part of Te Ara Tūtohu: Waitara to Bell Block safety improvements.

The project is making SH3 between Waitara and Bell Block safer for all road users and communities in the area.

As well as the Princess Street roundabout, which is currently under construction, new roundabouts will also be built at the intersections of Waitara Road, SH3A (Mountain Road) and De Havilland Drive, along with median barrier and other safety improvements.

For further information on Te Ara Tūtohu: Waitara to Bell Block and to sign up to email updates visit our project site.

Te Ara Tūtohu: Waitara to Bell Block