RSA News – New service helps veterans into work.

Source: RNZRSA


The RNZRSA has launched a new service aimed at helping ensure New Zealand’s veterans of military service can find and maintain meaningful employment after their service ends.


The RSA’s Board Chair, Major General (Retd) Martyn Dunne, said that some former service personnel struggle to find meaning in everyday employment, and will need extra support to ensure they are able to maintain employment throughout their lives.


“The military culture is unique, and when a serviceperson ends their military career there is always a transition process to adjust to the new work environment – whatever that may be.


The RSA has recognized that there is a shortfall in specialist support for those with military service, to help them with a successful transition out of the services, and to ensure they are able to stay work-ready throughout their working life. We are grateful for the partnership with the Ministry of Social Development to build a service that delivers that support,” said Martyn.


The Veteran Employment Service is currently being run as a 12-month trial, and the RSA’s Veteran Employment Manager, Dave Benfell, says the service is already proving its worth.


“We have seen everything from veterans who are unable to keep a job and are experiencing significant hardship – through to those who just need a bit of help brushing up their cv.


The beauty of this service is that our Veteran Employment Advisors are looking at the whole person, and working out what support they might need across the board. Whether that’s translating military experience into civilian equivalence, connecting them with vocational training or finding them a job, or even working with the RSA’s Support Advisors to help remove barriers to employment,” said Dave.


There are six Veteran Employment Advisors across the country, and the team has built partnerships with a large number of employers who understand the value of military service and the skills that those who have served bring with them.


“We have been overwhelmed with the support we’ve seen for the service, both from those who have served, and those looking to hire people with military service in their background,” said Dave.


The service is open to all New Zealand’s veterans of military service and their whanau, and anyone interested in the service can find out more or register at: