Social News – Age friendly fund now open

Source: Office for Seniors

Applications are now open for the Age friendly Fund, a programme that provides grants for projects that promote the inclusion and contribution of older people in community life.

The fund makes one-off grants from $5,000 up to $15,000 and applications are now being accepted until 24 September 2023.

The grants are open to any New Zealand council, community organisation, or registered non-profit organisation. All applications must be supported by the local council.

Grants can be applied for to start development of a local Age friendly plan or to implement a new project in support of an Age friendly plan.

Last year twelve organisations were funded to run projects that included intergenerational projects (from writing memoirs to weaving), preparation for retirement workshops, social interaction projects (involving one on one visits or group activities) and needs assessments to help inform Age friendly action plans. Details on all the projects we have funded can be found here Funding for age friendly communities | Te Tari Kaumātua (

Office for Seniors Director, Diane Turner, said the grants are available to help communities prepare for an ageing population.

“In New Zealand, by 2034, there will be 1.2 million people aged 65+. It’s important that we prepare for the diverse needs of older people in New Zealand and embrace the opportunities that an ageing population and longevity brings.”

For more information on the Age friendly Fund, including the eligibility criteria and how to apply click here: