Rates relief to support Aucklanders in need

Source: Auckland Council

Auckland Council decided on 27 July to support residents in need with 100 per cent rates relief for uninhabited storm damaged homes, following severe weather events in the first half of 2023. 

Group Recovery Manager for the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office at Auckland Council, Mat Tucker, said for those who require it, we’ll be offering the same 100 per cent rates relief in the following rating year as well.

“We are thinking of those whānau who have been uprooted from their homes and continue to face hardship and uncertainty. Our staff have observed the trauma many of you are feeling, and we recognise its tough right now. Many households are under financial pressure paying mortgages for homes they can’t live in plus additional costs in temporary accommodation. Our support is targeted at those most severely affected to help ease the financial burden they are facing.”

What is available for uninhabitable homes?

Red placarded houses

Red placarded houses as of 30 June 2023 will receive 100 per cent rates relief for the full 2023/2024 rating year.  A credit will be automatically applied to rates invoices, so you don’t need to do anything.

Yellow placarded houses

Every yellow placarded property has a unique situation, and some are habitable while others are not. If your home is uninhabitable, then please apply for rates relief using this online form. Applications will be assessed based on personal circumstances.

Supporting homeowners

A disaster like this can take its toll. The support team in the council’s Recovery Office are ready to offer a helping hand to those who need it. Email the team on recoveryadvisors@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz to get connected with agencies who might be able to offer financial, accommodation, insurance or mental health support.

Staff in the council’s Recovery Office have been busy behind the scenes engaging with government agencies, insurers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and banks to advocate for increased financial support for displaced homeowners and tenants. You will find an update on what additional support might be available in the Frequently Asked Questions section below.

“We will continue to advocate on behalf of Aucklanders displaced by adverse weather events and will keep you updated on what assistance is available”, says Mr Tucker.

Keep checking the Recovery page for the latest information, news and support on the recovery and repair of Tāmaki Makaurau.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the council offering rates relief?
We are aware of the financial hardship experienced by many of those impacted by extreme weather events during the first half of 2023. This rates relief is targeted at those people with uninhabitable homes who have been affected most. 

Why do yellow stickered households have to apply for rates relief?
Yellow stickered houses include a range of different scenarios that affect liveability depending on the extent and location of damage on the property and the stage of remediation. We need to understand more about your individual situation. 

What does uninhabitable mean?

All properties with red stickers on 30 June 2023 are considered uninhabitable.

If your property has another coloured sticker and you believe it is uninhabitable because of the extreme weather events in the first half of 2023, please apply using this online form and we will assess your situation. All applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

When will my property’s rating valuation be reassessed?
If there has been significant and long-lasting physical damage because of the extreme weather events in the first half of 2023, you can request a rating valuation review by emailing ratesrelief@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz. Otherwise, your rating valuation will remain as it is until the next city-wide revaluation which is due for publication late 2024 and will be used to set rates for the 2025/2026 rating year.        

I don’t qualify for rates relief, and I’m concerned about my ability to pay?
If you are concerned about your ability to pay rates, and would like to find out more about the flexible financial assistance options on offer, such as a payment plan, you can contact our Credit Control team directly on 09 373 6869 or email rates.collections@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.

Can I provide feedback about my flooding experience and suggest improvements for the future?
Yes, we encourage everyone to have their say to support the recovery of Auckland and help build flood resilience for the future. From 3 August until 31 August 2023, Auckland Council are running a consultation and we’re keen to hear your feedback. More information can be found here: akhaveyoursay.nz/stormrecovery

What was the outcome in advocating for increased financial support for displaced homeowners and tenants?
During our meetings with banks, they have assured us that they are committed to working with their customers experiencing financial hardship. We urge people to contact their mortgage provider to discuss what support is available.

We encourage residents displaced from their homes to recheck their eligibility for financial assistance through the Ministry of Social Development (MSD). You can contact MSD by calling 0800 559 009. You can find out more information on how MSD can support you by visiting workandincome.govt.nz.

From 4 September, those people who left their homes because of extreme weather events earlier this year, will be able to receive interim financial support when their insurance payments for temporary accommodation run out. Find out more here aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/rent-assistance.

Do you have any further information about the property categorisation process?
We are hosting two webinars in the near future with an update on property categorisation. Attendees will also have an opportunity to submit questions in advance. More details including how to register will be posted on the Recovery page soon.

Who do I contact if I have more questions that are not answered here?
If you have further questions, please contact our Recovery Office Support team on recoveryadvisors@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz