Final long-term insights briefing

Source: New Zealand Inland Revenue Department – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Final long-term insights briefing

The Public Service Act 2020 requires public service agencies to publish a long-term insights briefing at least once every three years. These aim to provide information on medium- and long-term trends, risks and opportunities and provide impartial analysis on possible policy options.

Inland Revenue’s final briefing, Tax, foreign investment and productivity – long-term insights briefing, together with a second document, Tax, foreign investment and productivity – technical appendices to support Inland Revenue’s long-term insights briefing, were presented to the House of Representatives yesterday. The documents examine how New Zealand’s tax settings are likely to affect costs of capital (or hurdle rates of return) for investment into New Zealand and the consequent implications for inbound investment, productivity and economic performance. The technical appendices provide further details on the formal models being used, as well as on the implications of the formal models.

Inland Revenue is also releasing Public submissions and external reviews received on Inland Revenue’s draft long-term insights briefing.