Court users and jurors highly satisfied with justice services and facilities

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Justice

Headline: Court users and jurors highly satisfied with justice services and facilities

The latest surveys conducted by the Ministry of Justice show court users and jurors continue to be satisfied with the services and facilities the Ministry provides.

Court users’ overall satisfaction was 82%,  an increase on last year’s 81%. Jurors’ overall satisfaction was 90%. This is consistent with previous years.

Ninety-one percent of people surveyed said they were treated fairly by staff, 90 percent said that staff were helpful, and 81 percent said they felt staff took their individual circumstances into account.

The Juror Satisfaction Survey found 98% of jurors were satisfied with how court staff treated them. This result is consistent with previous years. Jurors continue to feel safe at court, rating their satisfaction with the safety and security at 90%.

The most common suggestions from jurors for improvements were making the jury retiring room more comfortable, providing a wider range of healthy food and beverages at court and improving the sound quality and WIFI in courtrooms. The Ministry will look into the suggested improvements to determine future action.

The Court User Survey measures court users’ satisfaction with the services and facilities provided by the Ministry. The 2019 survey was conducted in June and July with 2,055 participants.

The Juror Satisfaction Survey measures juror satisfaction with the services and facilities provided at court. The 2019 survey was carried out in May and June and was completed by 1,044 participants.

Both reports are available to read;

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