2020 Year of the Nurse & Midwife

Source: Northland District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: 2020 Year of the Nurse & Midwife

2020 is International Year of the Nurse and Midwife and this page is dedicated to celebrating the nurses and midwives who work in the Northern District of New Zealand.

Nurses and midwives working throughout New Zealand make up the largest health workforce in the country. They are highly skilled, multi-faceted professionals working in many different settings.

This page celebrates our Northern nurses and midwives who work in many different roles across the district, every day making a significant contribution to improving the health and wellbeing of our community.

Each month we’ll be profiling nurses and midwives who work in different fields to show the diversity of the role of a nurse, what they do each day and what inspires them.

Our goal is to showcase Nurses and midwives diverse talents and expertise; and to promote nursing and midwifery as a career with a great deal to offer.