Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:
Headline: Transport workshop focuses on new Dunedin Hospital site
“Work on the new hospital design is advancing rapidly, and we need to be in a position to respond to proposed changes to the transport network in 2019 to feed into the next phase,” says NZ Transport Agency Director Regional Relationships Jim Harland.
The new Dunedin Hospital site lies between the two one-way State Highway 1 roads and crosses St Andrew Street, on the former Cadbury factory site and Wilson’s car park.
“This new hospital in its new location provides a catalyst for possible once-in-a-lifetime changes to the Dunedin transport network. Its construction and operation in the town centre provides an opportunity to better integrate the transport network with the activities of the Dunedin central city,” says Mr Harland.
This opportunity is wider than the new hospital as there are also number of other development opportunities in Dunedin including enhancements to the City Centre, Tertiary Precinct and the Waterfront area.
Hosted by the Transport Agency and the Dunedin City Council, the two-day workshop on 6 and 7 November features presentations by key Dunedin stakeholders such as the University of Otago, Otago Regional Council, Port Otago and the Chamber of Commerce. The Transport Agency and DCC will also present at the workshop on potential future network scenarios and ask for stakeholder feedback. There will be other opportunities for stakeholders and the community to provide feedback as the design process continues.
DCC Chief Executive Sue Bidrose says that the Dunedin Hospital build at more than $1 billion is a very large public investment for both Otago and the South Island.
“The hospital will have a huge influence on traffic flow in the inner city during its construction and operation. This work is important to ensure we can get around our ‘great small city’ during the build and into the future.”
Southern Partnership Group Chairman Pete Hodgson, says, “This is an exciting opportunity – having Dunedin’s key organisations together to get their ideas about how to make sure the hospital build and the city’s work for improvement gel together. We have a strong desire for safe and logical connections between the city and the hospital. We are working to a tight schedule, but this effort gives us a chance to enhance the whole area.”
Southern District Health Board Chief Executive Officer Chris Fleming, says “The new hospital needs to be safely accessible for patients and staff. We are aware there are existing urban design and transport projects in the central city area around our new site. We are keen to work with the Transport Agency, the Dunedin City Council and the Otago Regional Council to make sure connections function well for all forms of central city transport.
More information about the new Dunedin Hospital and its recently chosen site here: